Leading Players Adopted New Product Launches and Product Approvals as Strategies to Gain Traction in the Global Automotive Lubricant market

Lubricants form a crucial part of automobiles as they not only smoothen the moving parts but also reduce friction and wear-and-tear. International competition, rapid technological changes, and increasingly stringent government regulations are projected to drive the market for lubricant in the coming years. The automotive and petroleum industries are facing stiff international competition, government regulations, and rapid technological changes. Increasingly stringent government regulations create the need for improved fuel economy and lower emissions from automotive fuel and lubricant systems. Engine oils that conserve more energy and more fuel-efficient vehicles will become increasingly important, prompted by the growing emphasis on saving resources and reducing engine friction. Automotive lubricants are crucial for the proper functioning of the vehicle. The primary function of automotive lubricants is to reduce friction and wear-and-tear. They are also used to transfer ...